JANKI IMPEX commenced in the year 2002 plays a significant role as a manufacturer and supplier of scientific laboratory instruments, pharmaceutical equipment, and analytical instruments. Dedicatedly providing excellence as Authorised Dealer and Distributor for companies like Shimadzu, Hanna, Electrolab, Brookfield, Veego, Rocker, Remi, Thermo Scientific, Binder, and Kesar. We acquire a leading position all over world market in most of the product groups and a leading example for development and growth by building our reputation for a wide range of quality equipment and along with that all the related sales and services also.
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Etiam dictum porttitor malesuada. In justo massa, venenatis eu laoreet vel, pellentesque non ligula. Nulla laoreet ut eros id maximus. Quisque odio orci, vulputate varius rutrum ut, elementum id sapien. Cras elemen-tum nec quam ut molestie. Donec eu nibh sem. Praesent Quis Cangue Justo, pharetra mollis ipsum. Sed scelerisque nunc eu finibus pellen-tesque. Etiam non eros ex. Maecenas eu faucibus lectus.
Morbi mattis turpis in leo fermentum egestas. Maecenas accumsan dolor id varius euismod. Phaselluvs ac nisi eu augue tristique ullamcorp-er. Nam eu consectetur justo. Curabitur sit amet vulputate lacus, sed feu-giat ante. Nam id commodo arcu, eu venenatis nisl. Aenean sed porttitor nulla.
10,000+ Satisfied Business & Customers
Pellentesque lacus eros, porta rutrum tortor ac, blandit malesu